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Properties for sale Sold Properties Peggy Lampmans' House email:  Peggy Lampman Area Map links to other pages

FOX HILL FARM… This group of photos provide some additional views of and from the 212 acre farm – beautiful varied views of Old Croken Hill, the Berkshires, mature woodlands, and open fields, making it among the most beautiful land in the County. In an area of south-eastern Columbia County that encompasses some of the most intact agricultural communities and the remarkable Drowned Lands wetlands, home to rare threatened bog turtles, the property is protected by Columbia Land Conservancy easements that include approximately 2,000 acres of additional land and the Drowned Lands Swamp Conservation Area, owned and operated by the Conservancy. Currently used for raising organic grass-fed beef cattle (in a symbiotic relationship with the turtles), Fox Hill Farm is adjacent to the site of the Winterhawk (1983 to 1999) and Grey Fox (2000 to 2008) Bluegrass festivals… $2,400,000
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(Also see nearby ROE JAN MEADOWS, for sale by the same owners.)

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602 Route 23B,    PO Box 360,   Claverack,   New York  12513     •     518-851-2277